It's SUMMER! Well almost, at least. Every one's trying to get in top shape, or at least saying they are. But what really are people doing this early spring to get in shape? I, for one, work in construction. Luckily, physical fitness is a part of my everyday, so I'm alright in that category. But the average person is definitely fighting the battle of the bulge in many different ways.
A few of my family members have begun subscribing to endless diet plans, whereby they're forced to eat small portions of poor tasting foods. I've tried the foods personally and they definitely are lacking everything in the flavor factory. I found a really good way that I practice, which is high protein always. Consume protein regularly and consistently along with all the other food groups and it seems to work well, when I keep the portions right. :)
Obviously working out is highly recommended, but realistically, a lot of us don't even have time for that if we want to enjoy life at all. But still, it's so important to make time to stay active if your life is not that physically active. We can be busy all day running errands (in a car) and working hard (in an office) and eat one value meal from McDonald's and already, BAM, just like that you've consumed twice as many calories as you've burned, give or take. I mean, it's kind of unfair and downright hateful. Ruuuude!
Okay, if you're really trying to lose weight, lose fat and get in shape, yoga is one of the best workouts for that. Not only is it tremendously good for your body but it gets your whole person on the right track. It's so enjoyable and a good experience, after you make it to relaxation pose. It's so worth it at the end.
So, I have a belief that if you couple a decent exercise plan with a great diet, you can really achieve rapid weight loss. You'd be surprised. I'm anxious to know what everyone's doing this spring to get in shape. Leave a post and let me know what your up to.
If you're kind of looking for somewhere to start eating better, I actually know of a "diet" that allows you to eat more food and guarantees weight loss. You can check it out HERE, good stuff!